Using an Egg Donor and a Surrogate
Using an Egg Donor and Surrogate to Have a Baby
If you are considering using an egg donor and a surrogate to have a baby, you are not alone! We understand that you also might feel a bit disheartened when looking for information, as many times the details you find may address only half of the equation: either having a baby using an egg donor or having a baby using a surrogate, but not both. We are here to help clarify the entire process for you and answer your questions.
There are quite a few reasons why intended parents opt for the combination of egg donor and surrogate. The most common reasons include women who are unable, for whatever cause, to carry a pregnancy to term. Other women cannot use their own eggs due to various medical conditions or because their age has rendered their eggs non-viable. For gay men, the combination of egg donor and a surrogate is an excellent option for parenthood. That’s where we excel.
Surrogacy With Egg Donation Process Step by Step
Although the process of using an egg donor and surrogate to have a baby is straightforward, it does have multiple steps. Below we discuss some of the milestones in the process. Depending on your personal circumstances, some of these milestones may or may not be relevant to your surrogacy and egg donation process:
Conversation with our Patient Coordinator
Your initial point of contact is our patient coordinator, who will answer all the questions you may have and guide you through the entire process of becoming a parent. She will also assist you in selecting the egg donor and surrogate who best meets your requirements and needs.
Selection of your egg donor
The next step is reviewing our egg donor database, which contains everything you need to know about our donors. The database has all of our donors’ medical histories and physical traits plus a personal statement from each donor. After reviewing this information, you then choose and secure your donor. Frozen donor eggs are already available and ready for thawing. If you use fresh eggs, we’ll work with your selected donor to plan her donation cycle to retain the optimum number of eggs you need to build your family.
Consultation with our fertility specialist
Because everyone’s parenthood journey is unique, your consultation with one of our specialist physicians will help you map out what your journey looks like. This consultation with our in-house fertility specialist can be done in person or over the phone to help you plan your next steps.
Directed donor screening (sperm provider)
After you have chosen your donor and are providing sperm for fertilization, we will assist you in getting your sperm tested and ready for fertilization. This includes a questionnaire plus a physical exam and also involves taking a blood test to make sure there is not an infectious disease. There is also a sperm analysis and your sperm may be frozen. If donated sperm is used, it will need to get to our clinic before the day of fertilization.
Egg fertilization and embryo incubation
After the eggs are retrieved from your donor or thawed (if you’re using frozen donor eggs), we fertilize the eggs in the lab using your sperm or donor sperm to create embryos.
Embryos are incubated in our fertility lab to make sure they are good candidates for implantation. If you desire, we can test the eggs for chromosomal normalcy and sex at this stage.
Once incubation is complete, we freeze the embryos that are viable and save them for a future transfer. This freezing process is not harmful and frozen embryos will last for years. This gives you the flexibility to grow your family within the timeframe you choose. Plus, if more than one embryo is available, this gives you the chance to have future siblings if you desire.
Choosing a surrogate
The next step in the process is to select your surrogate, who is the woman that will carry your baby to term. We want you to have the perfect match, so our team will assist you in going through our available surrogate profiles. We arrange a match meeting between you and your selected surrogate so you can ask questions and you can be sure she is the right choice for you.
Completion of surrogacy legal agreements
Once you have made and confirmed your selection, the legal agreements between you and the surrogate are executed. These legal agreements protect all parties during the pregnancy and ensure you have legal protection throughout your surrogacy journey. You can select your attorney and we can also give you our recommendations for experienced surrogacy lawyers.
Preparation for embryo transfer
After the legal agreements have been signed, we work with you and your surrogate to work out her cycle and then schedule a date for the actual transfer of the embryo.
Track the surrogate pregnancy
Once embryo transfer has been completed, you will track your surrogate’s pregnancy. For the first 10 weeks, your surrogate’s pregnancy is closely monitored by our fertility clinic. Then, for the rest of the pregnancy and delivery, the monitoring is done by the surrogate’s obstetrician. You are part of your surrogate’s pregnancy journey and, depending on the prior agreements and what is outlined in your surrogacy contract, this can include attending her medical and ultrasound appointments, as well as receiving regular updates throughout the pregnancy to the delivery of your baby.
Using an Egg Donor and a Surrogate FAQ
Does Surrogacy Use Donor Eggs?
Surrogacy can use donor eggs but that is not always the case. For some intended parents, such as gay men and single fathers, or women over the age of 43 who are likely to have non-viable eggs or have medical conditions that preclude using her eggs, yes, in those cases the surrogacy process uses donor eggs.
For women whose egg quality is not in question but for some reason cannot carry a pregnancy, their eggs can be used to create embryos and those are transferred to the surrogate’s uterus.
How to Find an Egg Donor and a Surrogate?
Finding an egg donor and surrogate is much easier when you use a reputable agency experienced in both surrogacy and egg donation. At Pinnacle Surrogacy and Pinnacle Fertility, we guide you through the entire process of finding an egg donor, including considering factors that are essential when choosing your egg donor. These factors include such criteria as your egg donor’s appearance, personality, medical history, and, if you wish, blood type.
As the surrogacy process is complex and can be an emotional journey for all parties involved, choosing the right surrogate for you and your family is essential. The surrogate who is best for you may not be right for another. Here is where working with a trusted surrogacy agency such as Pinnacle Surrogacy to find your surrogate can make the process so much more streamlined and can put your mind at ease.
How Much Does an Egg Donor and Surrogate Cost?
While we understand that for most people, asking how much does an egg donor and surrogate cost can seem a bit daunting, the cost really depends on an individual’s circumstances and their fertility goals. Do you want one child or multiple children? Do you want to have a child of a particular sex using gender selection? All of these variables will go into the final cost of using an egg donor and surrogate. Let’s look a bit closer at the cost of surrogacy and then examine the cost of using an egg donor.
Surrogacy costs include a consulting service fee, a case management fee, and escrow payment (your surrogate’s compensation package). Consulting fees include the assignment of a professional case manager, recruitment of qualified surrogates, our extensive surrogate screening process, travel costs, and ongoing psychological support for the surrogate.
Case management begins when you have chosen your gestational surrogate and the match is confirmed. Case management fees cover your background screening, the surrogate’s medical preparation, and legal fees for you and your surrogate.
Sometimes, unexpected costs occur during the surrogacy process. Costs may include surrogate fees and allowances, health and life insurance for the surrogate, expenses such as maternity clothing, travel, and in the case of a surrogate put on bed rest by her physician, coverage of childcare and housekeeping. Plus, if the surrogate needs a C-section or is carrying twins, costs will increase.
At Pinnacle Surrogacy, the average cost for the entire surrogacy process typically falls between $140k and 160k. You can see a more detailed analysis of the cost of surrogacy here.
Next, let’s look at the cost of using an egg donor.
Just as the cost of using a surrogate varies depending on individual circumstances, the cost of using an egg donor depends on such circumstances as how many children you desire and whether Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGT-A) is done to determine the health or sex of the embryo.
There is also the question of whether you are using fresh or frozen donor eggs. For both options, the cost per egg is $3,725. However, both options have a different minimum purchase. With frozen donor eggs, the minimum package is 6 eggs for a cost of $22,350. The minimum package for fresh eggs is 8 and costs $29,800. If you are hoping for only one child and are not going to pursue either gender selection or chromosomal testing, then the six frozen eggs package is a great option. Here at Pinnacle Fertility, our live birth success rates are comparable with either fresh or frozen eggs.
Donor Egg and Surrogacy For Single Men
For single men who want to become biological fathers, using an egg donor and a surrogate allows them to have biological children. Because their sperm is used to fertilize the donor egg, the child that is produced is genetically related to them.
Surrogacy and Egg Donation Agency
If you have decided to use an egg donor and a surrogate to have a baby, choosing an all-inclusive service will make the process so much easier for you. Here at Pinnacle Surrogacy, we are an integrated all-inclusive surrogacy program within the Pinnacle Fertility network providing top fertility specialists, fertility clinic locations nationwide, IVF/embryology labs, surrogacy agency, and donor egg bank. Our dedicated team supports you all the way through your journey to parenthood, from assisting you in choosing your egg donor and surrogate, to embryo implantation and pregnancy, to the birth of your baby.
What Are the Next Steps?
Ready to start your egg donor and surrogacy journey? If so, we invite you to explore our extensive library of resources for more information, including our surrogacy FAQ and patient testimonials. There are also additional details on using donor eggs and finding a surrogate on their highlighted pages respectively. We want you to have all the information you need, as we understand this is perhaps one of the most important decisions of your life. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any additional questions you may have. You can call our coordinators at 877 261 0392. We would be delighted to assist you!
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